Richard III Good Vs Evil

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The Tragedy of Richard III I believe Richard III to be a malicious, envious and power hungry man. He may have been dealt an unfair hand with his facial deformity, but that still does not justify his mad actions. Richard Duke of Gloucester envisions himself being king one day and he is not bothered or disturbed in how he may go about this venture. His theory was " If I can not have a lover, I will become the villain."- Richard III He does as any other attention deprived sibling would do and that was to turn his brothers against the other in hopes that he would be one step closer to his own kingdom. His older brothers, King Edward and George Duke of Clarence were the heirs. They had children, a girl and two boys. Richard knew without drastic…show more content…
This did not stop him from locking the boys in a castle and have them murdered. He soon married Lady Anne, the widow of a man that he killed along with her father-in-law. Not to mention they lay dead beside the both of them when he vows his undying love for her. He is beyond satisfied with himself at this fete. Richard was loathed and feared by everyone. If a man will kill his family for power, what can that power do to them. He even has the young boys other family, Queen Elizabeth's kinsmen executed. I am not sure how I could or would see Richard as a "nice guy." He had no good intentions and was extremely selfish. He ignored fate and suffered the consequences. A prophecy foresaw that someone with the letter "G" would kill him. His name was Richard the Duke of Gloucester. I myself would not have foreseen this happening, let alone me killing myself. He goes as far by not only killing his family, but attempting to marry into his own family. He plans on wedding his niece Elizabeth after Annes death. This alliance would consolidate his power. Even though this would be incest. He may have convinced himself that his brothers were not heirs. Which meant his niece was not his blood. Had Richard not gone completely mad in the end, then a war would still be at

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