Rhetorical Analysis Of The TED Talk

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The TED talk “Why we all need to practice emotional first aid” by Psychologist, Guy Winch, talks about why everyone needs to reframe their mindset on mental health when compared to physical health. In this talk Winch argues that we need to make mental health as important as physical health. After analyzing the rhetorical content of this TED talk using Rhetorician, Lloyd Bitzer’s “Rhetorical Strategies” (119), I have come to the conclusion that Winch meets Bitzer’s model regarding exigence and audience but just misses on the aspect of constraints. More details on my analysis while using the “Rhetorical Strategies”; exigence, audience, and constraints for this TED talk will be discussed. By starting off with the first Rhetorical Strategy, Exigence,…show more content…
One exigence expressed in this TED talk is people’s use of “emotional first aid” and/or the lack there of. Winch also presents, that the “favoritism” of physical health over mental health, as an exigence because he talks about how they should be treated as equals. These can be considered his exigence because it’s what his whole speech is based off of. He talks about the need for “emotional first aid” and holding mental health/physical health in the same classification in the context of importance. He meets Bitzer’s model by presenting on a topic that can be seen as widely significant in the health profession realm, his urgency (exigence) towards recognizing the use of mental health care and changing the way people view mental health is very important to psychology and is the premise for its existence. Continuing to Audience, Winch has many audiences to which his speech is directed towards, and after analyzing the rhetorical content of his talk it is seen that he meets Bitzer’s model for audience in the “Rhetorical Strategies”. Bitzer defines rhetorical audience as to anyone that can make a change or take action, not just a “hearer”

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