Rhetorical Analysis Of Charles De Gaulle

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On October 3, 1958, Charles de Gaulle addressed the people of Algeria after the recent election that placed him as the president of France. He spoke to a colonized people of the future they would have with him in charge, looking forward to all of the ways he would benefit the nation. However, he did not address the major situation occurring in Algeria: the National Liberation Front (FLN) was fighting for independence. While Algeria was still technically part of France, the FLN encouraged the two nations to break ties. Since the late 1840s, Algeria had been made up of indigenous Algerians and pied-noirs, or European immigrants. The indigenous Muslim population, while the majority, held little political power. The FLN fought for Algerian natives to have a greater say in their nation’s future. In his speech, de Gaulle spoke from a position of authority, painting himself as a peaceful entity and attempted to persuade an audience who might have been against him, while skating over specific contextual…show more content…
In addition to giving the audience an identity that is convenient to him, de Gaulle manipulates the situation in which he gives his speech. Although a revolution was occurring, he played it off as barbaric rebels who were just ruining the potential of their country. The FLN fought for a better future for Algeria outside of France; de Gaulle pushed for Algeria to attempt to “match” France. He spoke as if trying to match the nation to France was the best way for the residents to become what they wanted to be. However, what they wanted, in the context of the speech, is what de Gaulle said they wanted. The president pushed goals, ideals, and an identity on his audience--those ideals could only be received under the context of the situation he created by crafting the FLN into an unnecessary force with confused

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