Response To Hamlet Research Paper

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In perusing Shakespeare’s dramatic play Hamlet and his portrayal of the degradation of human nature, my personal response has been shaped by Shakespeare’s thorough examination of the human condition. In particular, the development of the protagonist’s response to an unimaginable tragedy; his moral dilemma and honourable conscience in a depraved society, and self-exploration and pursuit of the significance of existence led me to believe that Hamlet renders complete reliance on fate as the only resolution in a world of corruption. In spite of obvious differences, the corruption Hamlet is confronted by upon his return to Elsinore can still be found in today's society. The destabilising effect of Denmark’s venality is evident through the dramatic…show more content…
Furthermore, Hamlet sees corruption most potently in the actions of his mother; chastising Gertrude’s adultery figuratively by comparing the nobility of his father with Claudius as a “mildewed ear” – “Could you on this fair mountain leave to feed…show more content…
Throughout the play, we can observe Hamlet’s vacillation between his intense desire to carry out his filial duty in avenging his father’s murder and society’s Christian belief that challenges the morality of personal revenge. Within Hamlet’s internal moral conflict, we are exposed to his allegiance to the feudal world as he defines himself as the metaphorical “scourge and minister” to restore justice and fulfill his role of avenging his father. This is also portrayed in his encounter with Fortinbra’s army; ascertaining his filial duty “When honor’s at the stake” and thus expressing his resolve to restore his family’s reputation and bring inner peace to himself. However, Shakespeare undercuts his protagonist’s commitment to his duty with the personification “the native hue of resolution is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought” to assess that conscience is the source of Hamlet’s vacillations. Through Shakespeare’s suicidal melancholy, Hamlet realises that thought prevents action – “conscience does make cowards of us all”; thus reflects upon the conflict between honour and religious codes which impedes his revenge. This notion is supported by W. Hazlitt, arguing that “… it is not a character marked by strength of will or even of passion, but by refinement of

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