is proportional to the level of exposure but both humans and animals have suffered because of these compounds. Melamine tableware, including plates, bowls and cups etc., are used in daily life due to their durability and ease of use, especially in case of children. However, a recent epidemic of melamine poisoning in China brought up the issue of melamine toxicity due to tainted milk powder formula and it became clear that food contact materials having melamine are not as safe as they were once thought
in whom biomagnification can cause Cd levels to be as much as one million times higher than the ambient environment. The health hazard of Cd exposure was first recognised in the early 1950s. Some effects include renal disease and pre-diabetes. This paper considers a Bangladeshi case study of heavy metal contamination in prawns and prawn feed, aiming to illustrate whether seafood is safe for human consumption from the perspective of Cd contamination. 2. Discussion 2.1 Cadmium Cd is a toxic,
non-healing chronic injury (Guo S., et al., 2010). The presence of a chronic injury can hinder day to day life and also the affected persons. In case of older peoples, presence of wound can be debilitating them and altogether meddle with their self consideration.