Reformation: Intense Criticism Of The Catholic Church

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During sixteenth century Europe there was an event that changed and challenged the Catholic Church. This event is known as the Reformation. Intense criticism of the Catholic Church, which was led by the pope, resulted in various reformational currents and the formation of several Protestant church reformations. There were several reformers involved, some included Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Henry VIII, who questioned the churches ability. This was an important event because it changed the views of many in Europe and thus formed new religions, caused people to think differently of the clergy, as well as the of the Church, and it changed the ways and beliefs of the Catholic Church. The reform was made possible with the help of the reformers…show more content…
He posted the ninety-five thesis on the doors to the Catholic Church. In this he talked about the corruption of the church, attacked many of their practices like indulgences, and he says that one can achieve salvation through faith alone. He used propaganda to attack the Catholic Church, which the church retaliates. After Luther started with his grievance, the reformation spread throughout Europe, to places like France and England. In France, Calvin renounced Catholicism and forms institutes of the Christian religion. He enforces predestination, saying that God has already determined whether one is going to heaven or hell. This new religion is now called Calvinism. In England, Henry VIII created a new church known as the Anglican Church after he was excommunicated by the pope from the Church because he wanted an annulment from his marriage with his wife. This new religion dissolved the monasteries within England, and they take all the land and its riches. Edward VI, Henry’s son, further separated the church from Catholicism by destroying alters, icons and imagery. The word of these new religions, as well as the criticism of the Church, spread throughout most of Europe with the help of the printing press. The printing press was the biggest help for the spreading of the reformation. With the help of the printing press,…show more content…
This was an intermittent meeting of Catholic leaders where they reaffirmed Catholic doctrine but sought to minimize abuses within the church that Protestant reformers had criticized. To become a clergy member, one now had to obtain a thorough education. This was done to limit the number of people who tried to become a clergy member for the power. They banned the practice of selling indulgences, which is a removal of the punishment from sin. They were sold by the church to limit the amount of time a person, or their family, spent in Purgatory. (Cole, p. 325) During this they did maintain a few of their practices. For example, they kept the belief that good works will get you into heaven and that they will keep the Latin

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