Reflection Paper On Field Placement

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Some of the things I see in my field placement seems to be a common theme that every colleague has mentioned to me. The individuals we work with seem to have problems dealing with certain situations on their own and the staff helps them handle or teach them how to handle them, for example boundary issues, job interviews, and other life skills which other individuals their age might already have dealt with and taken care of it. My field placement is called AHRC NYC and they work with developmentally disabled individuals having a difficult time getting accustomed to their everyday surroundings and situations. I take part in two different programs: Day Habilitation (DayHab) and the Job Club. The DayHabs goal is to teach the disabled new skills…show more content…
In the DayHab we make sure to talk to each other in a professional manner and not use any jargon around the clients. I believe this is appropriate conduct to follow because the clients have shown they are like sponges and will act accordingly as they see us act. However, not all of my colleagues talk to the clients professionally in these programs. In some cases, I have heard a fellow co-worker curse in front of clients or act childish with them. As such, I noticed that certain clients would then mimic her conduct. Working with this co-worker has proved to be one of my biggest challenges at the AHRC. While learning how to navigate the situation with a defensive co-worker, I have noticed that client progression is not only affected by the program they are in, but also by the teachers they come into contact with. Using the proper terminology when talking to clients helps them learn that certain words are not proper when talking to a possible employer. This situation, though has allowed for a development in my teachings. I make sure to discuss with clients the right way of conversing with a possible employer or customer so that they can learn the correct way to communicate and promote

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