Real Ugly Real Fast Summary

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Over the past few decades, the frequency and impact of natural disasters have increased dramatically. Millions have been killed, billions have been affected, and the cost of damage has been immeasurable. Although people can’t change when, where or how often they occur, they can prepare and minimize their impact. With the coastal population being the most vulnerable to disasters, actions need to be taken to prepare for possible catastrophes. People living along the coast should be more prepared for natural disasters by being aware of the situation and having a plan. This will help minimize the devastation and destruction created by the unavoidable casualty. In Tanya Lewis’s article “Why People Don’t Learn from Natural Disasters,” she describes…show more content…
In this story, Horne talks about the people of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. He describes the actions people made and how they handled and experienced Katrina. Some got out of town, some relied on the Dome, an all-weather temperature controlled coliseum, for safety and then there were some that underestimated Katrina and stayed in their homes. Aware of the hurricane taking place, Fats Domino stayed inside his home like he had past hurricanes. However, by late Monday, Domino was on his roof, helplessly waiting to be rescued. Inside the Dome, supplies were running scarcely low. “We need your help. We need everything you’ve got,” Blanco said to the president in a desperate phone conversation (Reader 237). However no help came, and they were stuck in the crowded Dome left to continue on with what they had, while thousands were still stranded waiting to be rescued. As levees breached and the flooding still rising, Ivor van Heerden soon realized New Orleans was doomed. Hurricane Katrina had swallowed New Orleans whole and spit it back out in pieces. In this story, Jed Horne, argues that natural disasters happen and nobody knows how bad it is going to be, so make a plan and be prepared. He shows that if you don’t have a plan, you could end up helpless like the ones in the Dome, or the people stranded on their rooftops waiting to be rescued. Clearly, Katrina was…show more content…
Many people have never experienced a natural disaster and believe that the odds are in their favor if one was too happen. Unless people have been through a natural disaster, it is difficult to imagine fully what it will be like, and what the feelings of fear and panic might be. Some people deal with this situation by making light of the threat and treating it as if it isn’t real. Also, once people have heard a number of similar warning messages, they start to expect that nothing serious is going to happen. The messages can be repetitive and the threat of the disaster becomes just a threat, because the disaster misses your area or simply doesn’t happen. It is also common for people to experience a false sense of security in response to disaster warnings, because they may think that modern technology, the government, or the emergency services would not allow such an event to happen (Wilson). People think they are safe because we now live in safer houses and can very accurately ‘track’ what is happening with threatening events in terms of location, speed and intensity. Although these may be true at times, people should always treat the actual danger as very real so that you can respond realistically and

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