Rat Trap Experiment

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Physical Science: Scientific Investigation How does my rat trap address the problem identified of too many rats in our community? Sarah-Kelly Houston 10P How does my rat trap invention address the problem identified of too many rats in our community? Independent Variable: In my experiment I used multiple independent variables in a simulated environment. They are the following: o The pitch/angle of the slope of the 0.8m pipe o If there is peanut butter o Whether there is grease on the slope o Whether there is rope/ material up the 0.8m pipe Dependant Variable: Whether you were successful in catching the rat. Scientific name for rats: Rattus Norvegicus / Rattus Rattus Rats have poor eyesight beyond a metre in front of them, forcing them to rely on their highly-developed senses of smell, hearing and touch. They also have a strong sense of taste and are able to detect if their food has been contaminated. Litters of six to twelve young are born 21 to 23 days after conception. Young rats are completely independent at about four weeks and are mature enough to reproduce at three months of age. A typical female rat can produce a litter about six times a year. Rats can tread water for 3 days, can swim 800m in…show more content…
No animals need to be harmed if you use my invention if you don’t want them to be. Rats can tread water for 3 days so you can save and release them if you want or alternatively harvest them for food if you choose to. In this aspect my invention compares more favourably to other products as it is more humane in that it does not necessarily kill the rat or other animals further down the food chain. The equipment will actually last longer and will not need to be replaced at all. The water will only need to be cleaned out. The water in the bucket can be from a river and does not need to be clean or

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