Ram Truck Research Paper

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Dodge Ram Trucks For many decades the truck market has been pulled many different directions from every truck manufacturer on the market. Everyone has made changes and modifications and changes to make their truck the “top dog”. To make sure their truck is the best of the best. Ford, General Motors, and Dodge have all since been the top 3 truck manufacturers in the country. Making both light and heavy duty trucks. All have wanted to take the title as the king of the truck market. Out of all the trucks, from all manufacturers, one has remained at the top. They have owned the market and remained on top. Dodge Ram has remained at the top. Dodge has been developing and perfecting its trucks since the 1980’s. In 1981 Dodge launched its first Ram truck. This was the first generation of the Ram Truck. Currently in 2015, Ram is in their Fourth Generation truck. They have had the First Generation, which ran from 1981-1994, Second Generation, which ran from 1994-2002, Third Generation, 2002-2009, Fourth Generation, 2009-Present. During all of these many years Dodge has continually strived to make their trucks better, to make sure that they keep the crown of King of The Truck Market. Ram Trucks are the only trucks to have been awarded Motor Trend's Truck of the Year. The Ram 1500 Half-Ton Truck won Motor Trend's Truck of the Year two…show more content…
They have held the title of King Of the Trucks since then. They have gone through multiple generations of great trucks. They have constantly strived to improve and better their trucks. They have been awarded the Motor Trends Truck of the Year five times since the beginning of the Ram Truck. They have been the only truck manufacturer to put a diesel engine in their half-ton truck in the present time. They have constantly been awarded many titles based off of their trucks. They have constantly beat their competitors in all categories that are judged with trucks. They truly own the Truck

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