Raj Grewal Research Paper

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Raj Grewal has been working with the Liberal party for 10 years. Over that time, he has learned politics, the right decisions, and what’s better for our country and region. Other than a candidate, he’s a lawyer at Gowlings Lafleur Henderson LLP. He has done a lot of community help over the years. He casually speaks at the Osgoode Law School, where he discusses a way to help the city by being more diverse and inclusive. He’s a legal consultant/mascot for the Guru Gobind Singh Children’s Foundation. He provides them legal advice regarding entity structure, trademark consultation and privacy protection strategies. Not just in legal businesses he also cares a lot for the youth of the city since he is dedicated youth engagement and community service. He organized a weekly Basketball camp where children can come and carry on the message which was to encourage physical fitness Raj also helps charities by setting them up, like consulting people on legal matters regarding charity registration. Since he is a businessman/lawyer, he knows the right people and can…show more content…
One of the reasons a lot of people like me are voting for him is because of what the Liberal party themselves are doing for the betterment of Canada. The Liberal party is changing this country a lot from what the Conservative Party has in mind. At a rally Justin Trudeau said, “The Liberal plan will create jobs, grow the economy, and put more money in Canadians’ pockets – not in a decade, but right away.” This way for all the jobs that had been lost due to poor governance by the Conservatives will be gained back to millions of people. Since half of the Conservative party members are corrupt the economy of Canada has been lowering and Stephen Harper is doing nothing about, and Justin Trudeau is. If the Conservatives get re-elected then all the hard work and planning for a better Canada will have gone to waste. This is why Raj Grewal chose to be part of the Liberal

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