Quadroon Girl Thesis

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In a time of great despair and darkness a light held by abolitionist led this great country away from the nefarious act of slavery. In 1690, Jamestown, Virginia, slavery began; this resulted in the division of the nation between the north and the south. In the south, where slavery occurred most, anti abolitionist worked hard to keep slaves working in plantations. However, in the north slavery was illegal but abolitionists and freedmen faced extreme prejudice and racism, but this did not stop them from standing up for what they believed in. How did abolitionist combat against the discrimination and detriment of slavery? Abolitionist fought against the plague of slavery with the use of powerful poems, staunch speeches, and moving letters written by former slaves.…show more content…
In Longfellow’s poem he uses antithesis to show the change and deeper created by slavery. The Quadroon maiden was hopeful and innocent “ and on her lips played a smile… the features of a saint.” The father “took the glittering gold! Then pale as death grew the maiden’s cheek, her hands as icy cold.” The Quadroon maiden goes through an emotional change as shown by the antithesis used within the quote. Longfellow uses antithesis to show the terrors of slavery within his poem, “The Quadroon Girl” in an effort to quash slavery. Sojourner Truth preached at a women’s right convention against the segregation and discrimination she faced as a black women slave. During her speech Sojourner Truth repeats the rhetorical question “Ain’t I a women?” to emphasize the intolerance she faces. Sojourner uses her speech to persuade the women of the convention to contribute to the eradication of

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