Planned Parenthood Pros And Cons

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A More Effective Place for Federal Funding Have you ever wondered where the money spent everyday in taxes really goes? Twenty-four percent of all tax money goes towards health services, one of these being Planned Parenthood (CBPP). In Planned Parenthood’s mission statement, they define themselves with a goal “to provide comprehensive reproductive and complementary health care services in settings which preserve and protect the essential privacy and rights of each individual” (Planned Parenthood). They provide health care and community education about reproductive and sexual health. The controversy involving Planned Parenthood is whether or not federal funding should support their services. Federal funding concerns the national government,…show more content…
First, they argue that federal dollars are not used for abortions (Planned Parenthood). This means that taxpayers opposing abortions are not directly paying for them by giving money to Planned Parenthood. A second argument states that women’s health depends on Planned Parenthood. According to Planned Parenthood, they provide a broad spectrum of services including critical health care, STD scanning, and contraception (Planned Parenthood). The argument continues to state that low and moderate income women depend on Planned Parenthood. A third claim argues that government funding is critical to Planned Parenthood’s total operation. The program receives $528.4 million dollars in government funding (Ross). This argues that without government funding, Planned Parenthood could not continue to provide health care (Planned…show more content…
Federally Qualified Health Centers provide all the services that Planned Parenthood does. For example, “they offer men and women in any financial situation STD testing, preventative care (contraception), thorough cancer screenings, and unlike any Planned Parenthood location: mammograms and full women check-ups” (Patterson). Several statistics support that these health clinics all over the world outnumber the amount of Planned Parenthood clinics. For instance, 0.9% of Americans go to Planned Parenthood, the other 99% go elsewhere (Downs). Also, community health centers saw 21 million patients while Planned Parenthood saw 2 million patients, averaging to one tenth of the people that went to community health centers. If the money for funding Planned Parenthood was given to Federally Qualified Health Centers, then it would be used to help millions more

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