Psychology Of Lady Macbeth

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Macbeth is one of the best four tragedies written by Shakespeare and, also, the shortest tragedy by Shakespeare. It has lots of wonderful parts and the character creation in the play is remarkable. The best thing of the play, to me, is the psychological description, which makes every character in the play comprehensive and real. I will give two characters in the play, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth as examples to show how Shakespeare creates the characters fully by describing their mental activities. Macbeth, the main character in the play, is full of desire but timorous, making himself a contradiction. The three witches appearing in the beginning represent the innermost desire of Macbeth. After he knows that he will be the thane of Cawdor and…show more content…
Speak, I charge you. (Act 1, Scene 3, Line 71-79) The questions asked by Macbeth continuously can show that Macbeth has thought about being the king, or, at least, he is thinking of being a king in the future. All he is eager for is an answer, a confirmed answer from the witches. However, he does not get the answer and this makes him confused, eager and scared at the same time. Another thing that represents the mental activity of Macbeth is the hallucination appearing after he kills others. All the unnatural hallucination, including the floating dagger and the Ghost of Banquo, and the unusual behaviours show the mental activities of Macbeth, the fearness in the deep heart to audience directly. And this opinion is also proved by the words from Lady Macbeth: “This is the very painting of your fear”. An interesting setting of this play is the relationship between Banquo and Macbeth. From the play we can easily see that Banquo is much more reasonable than Macbeth is. Banquo and Macbeth are just like the two sides of a man -- impulse and reason. The scene that Macbeth sends someone to kill Banquo is the change of the whole story and a extremely important change of Macbeth. The thing erased by Macbeth is not only a man named Banque but also the last a few reason of Macbeth. From then on, Macbeth becomes totally unreasonable and does whatever he…show more content…
The description of Lady Macbeth is even better than that of the main character, Macbeth. Lady Macbeth is a markable wife. She knows her husband shortage clearly. She is decisive, cruel and clever. Her words to Macbeth are consuasive. She acts like a man, says like a man. But, this part of description of her character is similar to that of Macbeth, the most wonderful part is the description of her woman part in her character. And this part changes the fierce, man-like woman into a normal woman, making Lady Macbeth realer. When she is alone, she says, “Naught's had, all’s spent, where our desire is got without content. 'Tis safer to be that which we destroy than by destruction dwell in doubtful joy.” (Act 3, Scene 2, Line 6-9)And when her husband enters, she immediately says, “How now, my lord!” (Act 3, Scene 2, Line 10). The former words can show her woman's heart and the later words can show her man-like character and consideration of her husband. This change can apparently show audience a real woman who is not only courage and insight, but also affectionate like a little girl. The somnambulism later in act 3 scene 2 also shows

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