Pros And Cons Of Turing Pharmaceuticals

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Turing pros: Reliable and efficient Turing Pharmaceuticals is a biopharmaceutical company. The offices are in New York City. Turing concentrates on developing and commercializing innovative treatments for unmet diseases and conditions for a broad range of areas that there are limited or no treatment options. Imprimis Pharmaceuticals Inc, which is a pharmaceutical company focuses on delivering high quality and innovative medicines to physicians and patients at affordable prices. Comparing two companies, customers prefer to buy the medicine that produced by the company (Turing Pharmaceceuticals), which established for a longer time and famous compamy. Therefore, The drug of Turing is more reliable than Imprimis. Another benefit is that buying Turing’s medicine is efficient as it can be purchased in bulk, which means Turing sell Daraprim to hospital, wholesalers, and retailers like shoppers and Costco. Then patients can buy the drug from these places with the prescriptions. According to Andrew, 2015, written in the New York Times, the cost of Daraprim is only about $1 per tablet several years ago. However, after CorePharma owned the…show more content…
Until the drug goes on sale, there are about ten more years for the patent. In the meantime, the company has a monopoly market with the patented drug. As Turing owned the rights of Daraprim from Impax, it has no competitions of Daraprim. Moreover, there are no regulations of drug price, so the drug companies can set the price based on the cost of the drug. Therefore, the benefit of Turing without competitions is financial benefits. Because Turing has set the price of Daraprim up to $750 per pill that Turing can earn lots of profits from selling the

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