Pros And Cons Of The Second Amendment

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Does the Second Amendment need amending? Does the second amendment need to be amended? The answer is yes. While the controversy of gun control is hard to fix it is not impossible. Why do away with the second amendment if we the people can just amend it again. We are a democracy and we thrive on interpreting and amending things that need changed and compromising so why not do the same to the second amendment. Three key points that will help you understand this view on the second amendment are the statics of killings and assaults with guns vs other weaponry, views of the people that use guns to protect themselves and their families from harm and finally the second amendment guarantees our right to bear arms thus making taking away our guns…show more content…
While there are numerous cons to using a gun for protection there are also many pros to owning a firearm. One of which includes a sense of security. For many gun owners, it's a simple solution having a gun gives them at least a fighting chance in the event that a burglar or home invader were able to get in and while definitive numbers on the frequency of defensive gun use in the US are hard to come by‐they range from a low of fifty five thousand two, to a high of over two million per year none of that will matter if you are one of the thousands of American gun owners who uses a firearm in self-defense against a criminal or intruder each year. Criminals don't like finding themselves on the business end of a gun barrel any more than the rest of us do, which is why 74% of them actively try to avoid breaking into houses when the owners are home. In other words, just the fear of being shot is often enough to discourage criminals from invading certain…show more content…
In the early years of our country, there was no standing federal army because the founders were afraid of a national standing army consolidating power and the states were expected to form a state militia in order to contribute to the nation’s defense. This expectation required protections for militias that would house militiamen keeping weapons for their service. The 2nd amendment was predicated upon the maintenance of state militias something that has become irrelevant in the face of our federal armed services and is not something that should have allowed individuals to claim the right to own weapons. State militias had the right to bear arms, but individual, unattached Americans had no such right this distinction in the difference between the 2nd amendment being a collective right or an individual right. Chief Supreme Court Justice Warren Burger, a Republican said the following about the proposal that the 2nd Amendment is aimed at protecting every American’s right to own guns:
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