Pros And Cons Of Social Control Theory Of Crime

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The familiar manipulation of the appellation Crime contains numerous theories and concepts. Crime initially consists of forces such as economic and political. Although crime has many pillars of importance it can be defined as an act caused by an action which results into further criminal progress such as prosecution and so on. One of the theories that make up the term “Crime” is the “Social Control theory.” The Social Control theory is potentially the usage of socialization to construct self-control. If someone is engaging in a certain activity that could be considered criminal activity, and another individual joins in the act, this is considered Social control. Social control has impacted numerous criminal activities or criminology. Social control can be used in many situation as the example given above. Social distress is also a factor of social relationships which is a factor of the famous theory, Social control. Social distress is premiumly the limit of a specific individual which determines their interactions socially, distressing or negative. Social distress can cause extreme stress to the point where…show more content…
Rational Choice is ultimately done by personal decision and is rarely triggered by a forceful individual or situation. The risk of Rational Choice Theory is maximum as once you have committed a crime without force, you are not innocent as you might be in the Social Contract Theory where you have a reason to have committed the crime as you were in a stressed state and were also provoked to do a certain or specific act. “But if all maximizing models are really arguing is that “people will always seek to maximize something”, then they obviously can’t predict anything, which means employing them can hardly be said to make anthropology more scientific.” (Graeber, D, Toward an Anthropological Theory of Value: The False Coin of Our Own

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