Pros And Cons Of Designer Babies

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Designer babies are genetically modified during their embryonic stage to change the outcome of their DNA. This process is very controversial because of its “shaky moral platform”. The article “The Pros and Cons of Designer Babies” shows both the dangers of genetically modifying children and the positives of this kind of treatment. Because of the balance of positives and negatives, many people would want this process to be outlawed since it’s so hard to decipher. However, parents should have a choice on whether or not they want to genetically modify their children. Despite the moral dilemma, there are many pros to this process. First and foremost, genetically engineering children helps to eradicate genetic defects. The article states, “[Genetically modifying children] prevents genetic diseases such as Down syndrome, Alzheimer’s, Huntington's Disease, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, and many others. [Similarly, it] reduces risk or inherited medical conditions such as obesity, anemia, diabetes, cancer, and many more.” This stresses the fact that the family of designer babies and the babies…show more content…
Yet, it’s questioned on whether or not having a designer baby is ethical or not. The text claims, “Children are already engineered by parents in many ways. Prenatal supplements, education, religion, and morals are all ways parents control their children. [Also,] taking folate during pregnancy reduces risk of a child developing autism. This is an example of medically altering a child and it is considered ethically acceptable.” This illustrates how genetically engineering your children through means of creating a designer baby is no different from any other ways of influencing a child’s health and their beliefs. Even so, designer babies are still controversial. This is probably due to the ignorance of the positives and the engrossment of the negatives within the

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