Research Paper On A Thousand Splendid Suns

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A Thousand Splendid Suns Essay A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini is a novel that tells us about the lives and relationship of two Afghani women from the early 1960s to the early 2000s. Laila is one of the Afghani woman, and the youngest and only daughter of Hakim and Fariba. Laila was raised by a modern mother and an educated father. Her father loves Laila very much and encourages her education. Laila falls in love with a boy named Tariq, but gets separated from him because his parents flee to Pakistan. When Laila’s family finally decides to flee to Pakistan, her parents get killed by a rocket that destroys their house. Unlike Laila, Mariam’s life was more traumatic. Mariam is the other one of the Afghani woman and she is the only illegitimate child of Jalil. Jalil is a successful businessman, while Mariam and her mother, Nana, live in a…show more content…
Nana was a housekeeper at Jalil’s house, and after their affair engendered in pregnancy, Nana was kicked out of the house. Although Nana loves Mariam, she often calls her a haramai, meaning bastard child. Even though Mariam is Jalil’s illegitimate child, he comes to visit her on Thursdays and tells her stories about Herat. Jalil gives the impression to Mariam that he cares about her, but when she goes to visit him in Herat he doesn’t even open the doors to his house, and lets her sleep outside. This is when Mariam begins to understand the truth about her father. When the two women finally meet, Mariam is shown taking care of Laila after she has been hurt by the rocket that kills her parents. But when Laila agrees to marry Rasheed, Mariam starts to hate Laila. Some of the reasons that cause Mariam and Laila to go from enemies to friends are the birth of Aziza, Laila defending Mariam, and because of

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