Pros And Cons Of A Bakery

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Starting own bakery business is something that any bakers or chef can dream of. People with no experience or skill in making bread or pastry also interested to get involved because of its prospects. Food related business always give steady income and good return not to mention how fast this business can grow. This is based on fact that 61% of American eat breakfast everyday and 32% of them eat out or purchased it at least once a week. This business alone generate $18 billion sales a year in United States. By 2012 the U. S bread and roll market is forecast to have a value of $14. 2 billion. How about other region and continent?Well for develop country mostly in South East Asia, bread and pastry considered as alternative for rice because of its…show more content…
First you need to decide on what type of bakery business you want to run. Home bakery business sounds simple and easy to manage however you need to consider the pros and cons. Running a production in the middle of residential area would be nice for marketing but it can be disaster for your neighbors. Loud sound from your machinery can cause head aches to your neighbors. You can choose to be bread and pastry supplier. You can save cost on shop assistant and display room. Prepare a proper kitchen for production and supply your bread to other bakery or cafe. This type of bakery does not need much advertising exposure because you just need to reach cafe manager or restaurant owner to have a sales. After deciding the type of bakery you desire, its time to write your business plan. Every business no mater how small or big need a proper business plan to be successful. With this business plan, you can keep track on your business development and progress. You need to write a business plan that contain description of your product, your targeted customer, budget, management and staff, your company objective and…show more content…
How do you plan to finance your bakery?If you have a proper business plan, you definitely know how much you need as starting cost. This includes the cost of machinery, proper display room, advertising and rent. There are also monthly cost such as utility bills, rent and salary. You need to estimate your business cost per day and calculate for at least 12 month running cost. When you have the exact numbers, now you can start thinking about how to obtain such money. You can use your own money, make business loan or you can find a benefactor that willing to invest in your business. Proper business plan will attract investor and soften the bank management to release a loan for you. After taking care of financing, its time to find a suitable location for your bakery. As mention before, home based bakery is really good for marketing because it location in residential area. People usually need bread and pastry for breakfast and for evening meal. Strategic location will ensure the flow of income and growth. Things you need to consider for good location is high traffic and residential area. But make sure your bakery located not too close to competitor because it will effect your

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