Prohibition Dbq

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In 1928, prohibition was a major issue for the United States. The prohibition age was known as “the lawless decade”. Many Americans were against it, and believed that as long as you pay for it you should be able to purchase alcohol. A woman named Polly Adler was a strong believer of this. "They might as well have been trying to dry up the Atlantic with a post-office blotter." She said. Another strong believer was H.L Mencken. Both for opposition were outlaws who had strong opinions. These people brought conflicts. Both, also, favored bootlegging because they were members of it. Deets Pickett, secretary of the Methodist Episcopal Church's Board of Temperance, Prohibition, and Public Morals was a huge supporter of prohibition. He believed that the Dry law had done only good instead of bad.…show more content…
Younger people were becoming healthier. Pickett saw the “lawless decade” as a healthy opportunity. Prohibition brought benefits along with negative effects, some benefits were that deaths were decreased; prostitution rates went down, profanity and other negative behaviors decreased also. Some negative effects were that the economy was not doing as good as it was when alcohol was sold. A boat called the Rum Runner opposed prohibition. The Rum Runner was a boat that delivered items, but mainly rum in secret. It was an illegal process. Moonshining also opposed prohibition. Moonshining was the process of making homemade alcohol. Moonshiners made a large amount of money. Most moonshining stations were set up in basements or hideouts. All of these things and people were outlaws against prohibition, just like

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