Pride Leads To Failure In Robert Graves Theseus

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“Theseus” retold by Robert Graves illustrates the theme pride and overconfidence have negative repercussions and ultimately lead to failure. The theme is exemplified through Theseus who is revealed to be strong, arrogant, and prideful. For example, on multiple occasions Theseus boasts about his courage: “…he managed to defeat them; but never afterwards stopped boasting about his courage” (“Theseus” 3). “Am I not the bravest kind alive? Look what I did to the Amazons! Look what I did to the Minotaur!” (“Theseus” 3). Theseus’ fatal flaw is revealed to be his excessive pride which leads to careless mistakes. For instance, Theseus promises to hoist white sails if he defeats the Minotaur. However, he allows his pride to blind him and loses awareness

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