Solitary Profession Vs Social Work

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Over time, there has been arguments over whether the ideal workplace would be one of a social nature or a solitary nature. Some say that it is a necessity, or more so the status quo, to work in a social environment to excel yourself in the best possible way; then there are a small group that say that working in an environment away from others is more ideal to their comfort. The latter group may not be far off. In a poll comprised of one-thousand social workers, there was an estimated ninety-six percent of these workers that felt moderately or very stressed. Although both sides can be argued for beneficial reasons, it is evident that major stress can exist in just as much social professions as solitary professions. Even for the most social…show more content…
For social workers, working in a social career definitely has its advantages. Financial benefits is almost guaranteed in working in a social field. Professions such as doctors, lawyers, and businessmen make thousands of dollars a year. Someone working as a homemaker or a writer might not make to satisfy the quota. Social workers can feel a huge boost in confidence with socializing with their co-workers. Socializing is good for mental health, increasing productivity and emotional stability. Solitude holds the opposite outcomes if stayed in for so long. A wide variety of opportunities can be opened for those who work socially. Certain professions can lead to even larger career choices. An interning doctor can become a surgeon, and an excelled law student can one day make it as a legally practicing lawyer. Working in prolonged solitude can make you bound for certain issues. Isolating yourself for so long can end up causing negative reprocussions to your mental health. Being alone with your sometimes biased thoughts can lead to you to actually believing them, and those certain thoughts can change your attitude and emotions, and then your outlook on life. Lack of communication from people and the world can be dangerous. Some solitary workers are not the most people-oriented. Ignoring the outside for so long can lead you into a poor mental cycle. Working along most of the time can open a huge potential to procrastinate. The freedom of working alone can bring about boredom and distraction. Procrastinating can lead you away from your work and push you into an endless routine of anti-productivity. With all this laid on the table, can certain qualities from both social workers and solitary workers benefit each other? Younger workers can at least find ways to navigating the stress of social workplaces. Finding that oasis from the stress-inducing workplace is

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