Production Supervisor – Job Analysis. At the end of a 10 day long study and detailed analysis of the role of Production Supervisor, the findings are as follows. If we put it together it becomes a Job Description. Based on Observation 1. Production Supervisor is responsible for the production of the target number of Cement Blocks per month. 2. Production cycle starts from unloading the cement from Bulker to Cement Silos at the plant and ends with the storing the cured and
Mixed effects regression model Mixed-effects modeling is basically a regression technique which allows two kinds of effects: fixed effects (meaning just as in ordinary regression, intercepts and slopes intended to describe the population as a whole) and random effects (means the slopes and intercepts that can vary across subgroups of the sample). These models are useful in a wide variety of disciplines in the medical, biological and behavioral sciences. They are particularly useful in settings where
The events of human life like births, deaths, foetal deaths, divorce, marriages, adoptions, legitimations, annulments and legal separations are vital events. The statistics derived from registration of these vital events is ‘vital statistics’. These are “the facts, systematically collected and compiled in numerical form, relating to or derived from records of vital events”. In a broader sense, vital statistics is the collection, organization, analysis and interpretation of data on vital events. The
The family business as a driver of the social economy. The case of a tourist cooperative in Sinaloa, Mexico. Authors:Alvarado-Borrego A. , Ibarra-Michel J. P. , Soto-Karass J. G. *Corresponding Author: Cell phone: 6691-726783 Abstract: The family business in the field of social economy represents the actions and commitments it has with its members and the community, according to the philosophy and principles of the cooperative as
Anorectal abscesses and anal fistulas are disease processes that have their basis of understanding and treatment firmly rooted in the anatomic design of the anal canal. The potential for disastrous complications is real. Careful, thorough, and meticulous care in the diagnosis and treatment of fistulous abscesses will result in successful outcomes in most cases. Perirectal and perianal abscess are commonly encountered problems in surgical practice. Timely and appropriate treatment is needed to prevent
The authority and legitimacy of modern nation states has come under a severe challenge as a result of rising trends in terrorism. Confronted with one of the most brutal forms of violence, a suitable or adequate response to terrorism is still to be framed, even as a proper context of evaluation and a sufficient understanding of its causation and methodology remain elusive. The uniqueness of terrorism lies in its complex inner dimensions, its continuous and rapid adaptations, and its wide variations