Power In Lord Of The Flies

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Lord of The Flies- Power From the beginning of Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, dominance and power was enforced, likely unconsciously. Supremacy seeking tendencies in human behavior determines social ranks and interactions. The social hierarchy, littleuns’ power strive, and the fall out of the group’s order are all the outcome of dominance and power over a individual social group with no outside contact. In all and every social setting whether it be human or animal, a type of hierarchy is developed regardless of the intensity of it. In the relations between animals, this dominance secures the “priority ranks”. The contact among parties are established through submission, coercion, and aggression. Lord of the Flies is a reasonable…show more content…
“He made little runnels that the tide filled and tried to crowd them with creatures. He became absorbed beyond mere happiness as he felt himself exercising control over living things,” (Golding 61). Golding, later in the novel, starts to describe the littluns gradually becoming more and more fascinated by jurisdiction. Many, like Henry turn to any living entity to enforce authority over them. Have the young boys learnt this by watching the older childrens’ interactions on the island? Is it simply primal behavior? “He talked to them, urging them, ordering them. Driven back by the tide, his footprints became bays in which they were trapped and gave him the illusion of mastery”, (Golding, 61). All the boys on the island fall into some sort of desire to want to have control over something. With a disproportionate power scale they seek to have dominance over something else to keep the…show more content…
Jack has always been desperate for authority and we see when he sets the island to flames, that he will do anything to see his desire. The escalation of Jack’s aspire for this power was obtained by force and aggression. He uses the beast to prove himself to his own conscience and to everyone in the group as a bargain chip. If he protectes and feed the boys this gives him an air of authority to begin with but also the guardian angel figure that the boys need to pay Jack back for. He realizes this as well, saying,“See? They do what I say,”(Golding 179). Piggy sees the conch as a symbol of security and democracy. Jack connects the conch with his dislike for the symbol’s suggestion: order judged by a whole group in lieu of a reigning leader. In this circumstance, the two “alpha males”, Ralph and Jack, resist to both back away from the supremacy. There must be an official leader or in this case, chief and until this is clarified, they will struggle for power. Jack, later in the book, becomes seen as the leader when he exacts force and aggression on the boys, drafting them into submission. Jack’s fears force him into ambitions of leadership because he wants to diminish his fears his way, whether it be primal and savage or not. Jack’s childish behaviors and greed leads the group to disintegrate in a matter of

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