Piety In Mulan

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The Disney movie “Mulan” is a historical animated movie following a Chinese woman named Mulan during the Hun invasion of China. Being a historical movie (not necessarily accurate) it has references to Chinese culture, such as upholding family honor, cultural events or beliefs, and filial piety, which the respect for one’s father and elders. Mulan brought dishonor to her family multiple ways, with two specifically being when she failed to be wedded by the matchmaker and when she spoke up for her father in front of her entire village. In Chinese culture, arranged marriages are a very important aspect and it is the wife’s duty to submit to her husband and her responsibility to perform tasks for him. It is important that she proves she is a worthy and capable wife. By failing the very first stage, the matchmaker’s test, Mulan brought immense dishonor upon her family, since she couldn’t even handle easy tasks like pouring tea. Her clumsiness made the matchmaker even publicly state that she brought dishonor and shame upon her entire family. Her other disgraceful action was speaking up for…show more content…
This respect, known as filial piety, is shown in the movie when Shang prays for his father’s soul after he is found dead, and when Mulan took the place of her father in the army so he wouldn’t have to fight. When Shang found the remains of his father’s battalion, he immediately kneeled and placed his sword next to his father’s helmet as a sign of respect, and it was clear he was deeply saddened after he discovered that. Before this event, Mulan also showed respect for her father by taking his spot in the army so that if someone died, it would be her and not him. This shows that Mulan cares greatly for her family’s well being. In a way, however, it can be argued that Mulan has also disgraced her father by speaking out and taking his role, but in the end, it was purely good intentions she

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