Greed And Corruption In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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The Collapse of Animalism: Greed & Corruption Although communism seems like an amazing idea with numerous benefits, it is only achievable in the ideal world. This is especially true in George Orwell’s Animal Farm because sadly, humans do not live in the ideal world, and neither do the animals in this novel. The animals in this story go from trying to successfully achieve animalism to ironically doing the exact opposite. In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, the farm is incapable of achieving equality due to the greed and corruption of the leaders. Firstly, the leaders of the farm begin with good intentions to achieve animalism; but, they cannot even achieve the basic ideals. For instance, the leaders of the farm assign equal duties to all the animals…show more content…
After the Battle of Cowshed, Napoleon and the other pigs become increasingly dishonest. Throughout the novel, all of the pigs break the seven commandments and trick the animals on the farm into believing that they are not actually breaking them. The fourth commandment (no animal shall sleep in a bed) which they break and lie about is very frustrating to read. The animals begin to question why the pigs are sleeping in beds and Squealer tells them: “The rule was against sheets, which are a human invention. We have removed the sheets from the farmhouse beds, and sleep between blankets” (Orwell 80). This is completely infuriating because of how stupid the animals are to fall for this lie. The sheets are human made, but so are the farmhouse, beds, and blankets. The pigs have completely stopped caring about equality or the seven commandments. They just want everything for themselves; they do not care about the other animals. The pigs lie so much and are so greedy that they will never be able to achieve equality even if they try. No matter what there are always going to be greedy people. Snowball tries to change the farm for the better, but Napoleon and the other pigs just come along and ruin everything with their greed. Then, Squealer goes on to talk about all the “brainwork” (Orwell 80) which the pigs are doing. The pigs literally do nothing all day; they just pretend to do work. They are so greedy and corrupted because they give themselves more rations for doing nothing and the animals who are actually working hard get less. Another way their corruption prevents equality is through their power. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. These pigs have been given so much power at once that they have been blinded by all that they can do. Napoleon and Squealer know how to take advantage of the stupidity of the animals and they sure do. For

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