Post Partum Case Study

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4. Comments to L&D and Post-Partum Test Fit a. Triage. i. Triage can have 2 patients per bay. Number of toilets can be reduced to 2 instead of 4. ii. Sheila M asked if the state code allows triage rooms change to labor rooms. HOK to follow up. iii. Review average length of stay and projection to determine the right number of triage room required. b. Office and On-call rooms. i. Sheila M suggested to swap offices and on-call rooms, so on-call rooms can be less disrupted. ii. Number of office needs to be confirmed. iii. (3) On-call rooms are provided. Sherie concerns the size of on-call rooms are too small (approx. 120 sf). It was discussed to provide bigger on-call rooms on 2nd floor. However, Sheila recommended on-call rooms on 3rd floor…show more content…
Effort to relocating the existing pathways was concerned. Erik E indicated that he is planning to utilize existing pathways. iii. Current NurseCall is not communicating with new system in New Hospital Pavilion. The entire system for Birth Center needs to be replaced with new. iv. Erik E requested coordination with the design team in early design phase to confirm IT scope. Low voltage kick-off meeting needs to be scheduled. d. Sherie H concerned securing the Department. i. Elevator 3 and 4 will provide controlled access to the department. ii. Elevator 1 and 2 can have controlled access to the department or a secured door with badge access can be provided. iii. Sherie H recommended a meeting with security for door/access control. e. Eddie M indicated that (9) of (11) NICU bays less than min. code requirement (120 sf. OSHPD AMC is required. f. Dumbwaiter is not in use. PTS is only servicing Lab to New Hospital Pavilion (and ER in the future). Their removal in Birth Center needs to be confirmed with users. g. It was advised to present and discuss test-fit layout with user groups for their direction. 5. Schedule a. Existing Condition Survey i. Site survey effort is in progress. Steve S has been surveying and recording MEP risers and valves on

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