Political Modernization In Hong Kong Essay

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Between 1945 and 1997, Hong Kong underwent a relatively large political and institutional transformation. Especially after the signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration, the pace of political transformation process was speeded up. In my opinions, the resumption of sovereignty did help Hong Kong move towards the process of political modernization. To explain why the turning back of Hong Kong could boost the political progress in our city, we should first know what is the definition of political modernization. Politically, modernization is the progress from despotism to democracy. All political reforms are aspired to fulfill people’s pursuit for freedom and equality, basic human rights and higher degree of participation in public affairs. In 1982, Margaret Thatcher, the British Prime Minister at that time, visited China to carry out negotiation about Hong Kong’s future with Chinese leaders which included Deng Xiaoping. He first proposed the principle of ‘one country, two systems’ to settle the ‘Hong Kong Question’ in this meeting. In December 1984, the Sino-British Joint Declaration was signed after…show more content…
Owing to the desire of British government to promote certain degree of democracy, it tried their best to give citizens more chances to join in the political affairs. Citizens’ level of political participation kept expanding. The degree of participation and political mobility for citizens were higher when comparing to the past. Miners (1975, 98) described that Hong Kong people were indifferent towards political activity and they would just passively accept the arrangements of the government. We can therefore see that not only did the government give citizens more opportunities to join the government after 1984, but also did the citizen become more active in politics than before. The progress of democratization had

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