Pinterest Blog Analysis

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7 Ways to Build a Successful Blog with Pinterest in 2015 Pinterest wasn't around when I had my blog, It could have helped me drive traffic in so many ways. My blog was visual and was about home decor for small spaces. After using Pinterest for almost a year now, in my spare time for fun, I can see the opportunities I missed out on. 1. Build an audience before creating a blog On public boards, anyone can re-pin. I already get a lot of emails about people pinning my curated content. I've already established an audience who like my pins from blogs I have discovered in searches or re-pinned from Pinterest. Now if I added some of my own content from a blog along with some curated content, it would get pinned too. 2.…show more content…
People pin for many different reasons. It could be they love my colorful photo of the microgreens I grew and want it to grace one of their boards. Some are interested in the photo and the content behind it. It may fit a topic or category of one of their boards. No matter why they pinned your photo or content, their boards are often followed by others. It means instant exposure and traffic to a future blog. 3. Pinterest links show up on the first page of most Google searches This is huge for getting traffic to a new blog. Here's an example. One of my favorite subjects is "Indoor Container Gardening". Links to Pinterest for that interest show up on the first page of a Google search. So they may not find a link to a brand new blog on the first page of a Google search, but you can show up on the first page of a Google search through your own or another person's pinterest board. 4. Pinterest is a social site, so spread the love Re-pinning from Pinterest establishes networking bonds with others who share similar interests and have the same goal as I do. They want visually appealing and interesting content for their boards. Repin regularly and often. Also (heart) others pins to encourage mutual exposure

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