Pima Tribe Research Paper

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While the origins of the Pima people remain unverified, The Pima people believe that they are the descendants of the Hohokam. The Hohokam are an ancient tribe that likely lived in Arizona since 300 b.c. They Pima’s earned their name from a misunderstanding with settlers. In their language they said “pinimahch,” which means, “I don’t know.” Unfortunately, the name, Pima, stuck. Their diet consisted of mainly deer, rabbits and other small game that could be taken with a bow and arrow or club. They were also farmers, they would often redirect rivers using crude dams to provide irrigation to their crops. These crops include corn, beans and squash. Occasionally, they would try their hand at fishing in streams and rivers. A drought would hit…show more content…
They were allies with the nearby Papagos and Maricopas and enemies with the Apaches and Mohaves. They were brave warriors when it came to fighting and were very skilled with a bow and arrow. It wasn’t until just recently that the tribe retired the bow. The Pimas did not collect scalps or even touch the bodies of their enemies because they though them to be possessed by evil spirits. They treated prisoners well and even let them join the tribe as one of their own. The Pimas were known for helping white settlers, even helping them cross Apache territory and during the Apache Wars from 1861- 86 they served as scouts for the US Army. The Pima lived in Southern Arizona and Northern Mexico and many still do to this day. They lived on or near the Gila and Salt rivers which were imperative to their survival in the Arizona desert. They have withstood the test of time and their numbers have continued to slowly rise. According to accessgenealogy.com, “in 1775 Father Garcés estimated the Pima of the Gila at 2,500.” Today they number more than 20,000. The Pima are renowned for their intricate basket weaving, which was so good that the baskets were watertight, not to mention their proficiency with a bow, and their

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