Peter Singer's Argument Analysis

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Peter Singer is a widely published and known philosopher and ethicist. He has gained attention in recent years due to his controversial views. In this essay I will explore this in the context of his attitude towards end of life decisions – particularly Euthanasia and if it should be legalized in Australia. Singer challenges traditional morality on utilitarian grounds and presents arguments that attempt to justify his views. One argument is a distinction that he draws between a human and a person, the second revolves around the consequences of the action producing better results/ reducing pain, and autonomy is the third argument that will be presented. Religions like Christianity and Islam present opposing views to those of Singer and maintain…show more content…
If Singer’s arguments are adopted by allowing euthanasia, it would undermine belief in the sanctity of human life which is an important ethic in the society, changing that would change the society where people take it in their own hands to judge if a life is worth living. This change will lead to a widespread practice of euthanizing where even unwilling patients are forced to accept it because it is expected of them; it is without a doubt true that the financial costs of maintaining the incurably ill is a concern, this can go to the extent that the ‘right to die’ becomes ‘duty to die’ for the patient In Islam however this reasoning is alien. Values are considered more important than price. Caring for the weak, old and needy is something that people are expected to sacrifice their time, money and effort for. Because these acts are rewarded for by God in this world and the life after death, they are taken not as a debit but as an investment. In a materialistic society this logic is futile, but not in a value-oriented God heeding

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