Pestle Analysis Of Airbus

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2-Financial situation of Airbus: After several exceptional years, the more than 100-seat aircraft market, dominated by Airbus and Boeing, experienced a significant decrease in 2016. This has resulted in very different effects on business, results and key indicators of the two aircraft manufacturers. If they are also present in defense and space, commercial aviation remains their main activity. With a turnover of €64 billions in progress of 6% and €4,1 billions in 2015, It’s the commercial brand which is the most profitable (70% of the turnover). Unlike the commercial brand, the helicopters brand (10% of the group's turnover) suffers, even if its financial results are generally quite good. Despite a significant drop in the number of orders (395…show more content…
While parts of the framework are less important for the industry, others are worth discussing further about as they are not only important for a good understanding of the macro-environment but also because these key factors have a stronger impact on the industry itself. Below, we will give a overview about the six factors that describe the external environment of this industry:…show more content…
Firstly, governments are usually the only customers for military products and therefore they have a strong impact on the companies. For the civil part, companies have very strong conditions concerning the safety and reliability of their products (i.e. companies need a certain certificate to be allowed to manufacture for this industry). Economic Airbus is mainly operating in the so-called “western world”. Therefore, it has a good access to the well developed and educated employment market. In addition, it has almost no exchange rates as one of their biggest market is the European Union. Sociocultural In the modern and global world, airplanes are indispensable not only for the economy (i.e. exports) but also as a a mean of transportation. On the other hand, military applications, war etc. are very often considered negatively by the people, especially in the european area. Technological From a technological point of few, this industry has certain challenges that affect the individual companies. Essentially, aerospace and defense products are usually highly complex (safety, pollution etc.). Therefore, not only high fixed costs are necessary but also a strong cooperation with suppliers and institutes

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