Persuasive Essay About Wrestling

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Michael Scott Dr. Powell English 130 21 October 2014 On and Off The Matt The bell buzzes as you are forced to relent off of your opponent. The referee raises your hand, and you feel the sweet buzz of adrenalin because you realize that you have won. Six minutes on the mat seems like a short amount of time for a bystander, but for the people actually wrestling, it seems like an eternity. Wrestling is an insanely difficult sport, and it can teach a person some of the life skills he needs to survive, if he is in the right environment. Many people suffer from lack of self-control, especially college students. Whether it is going to class, studying, or more importantly saving money for the future, many choose to put it off. Self-control is…show more content…
While wrestling is an individual sport for the most part, however, teammates play a great role in the development of ones’ skills. Having a good group of friends or teammates beside you can help you through the worst of times. While you are going through a loosing streak, your teammates will help you to pull yourself out of it. When you are struggling to finish the conditioning that the coach has assigned, you can look to your left and right and see that they are doing it just as much as you are. Knowing you are not alone when you go through hard times is a great way to improve your own mindset about life, and whatever you are going through. I personally did not have a good group of teammates when I was wrestling. This caused me to go through some very hard times, and ultimately was the reason that I gave wrestling up. My teammates did not build me up and instead put me down, which did not enable me to perform to the best of my abilities. I did not have good relationships with the other members of my team, I seemed to be the butt of all the jokes, and it affected my wrestling performance. I started getting into a loosing streak, and became depressed. The teammates and friends that one has, can seriously impact all aspects of ones life. Either positively, or negatively friends and teammates play a large role in one’s

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