Why Did Brunelleschi Build The Cathedral

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The article that I chose was Brunelleschi’s design of the dome for Florence’s cathedral. It wasn’t a discovery, but a construction of a dome, the discovery was the process to build the dome and how to support it. Initially in the cathedral of Florence, the fathers discovered that they had a problem because of a hole in the roof. Every season the winter rain damaged the cathedral, and during summer the sun damaged the altar of Santa Maria. The motivation to build the dome was to protect the interior of the cathedral. One of the principal problems was that a lot of architects saw the construction impossible. The only way to build this was putting arches outside to support the dome, but there was another cathedral like that in the city the Milan…show more content…
Brunelleschi didn’t present his project because he didn’t want someone to steal it. Brunelleschi was known for his imagination and his cleverness. The next year the overseers looked the project of Brunelleschi and call him the superintendent in 1420 to start the construction. I would like to quote some of the questions and concerns about the construction. “Could a dome weighing tens of thousands of tons stay up without them? Was there enough timber in Tuscany for the scaffolding and templates that would be needed to shape the dome’s masonry? And could a dome be built at all on the octagonal floor plan dictated by the existing walls—eight pie-shaped wedges—without collapsing inward as the masonry arced toward the apex?” Even though the construction was clever, it had some risks. Brunelleschi finished the construction on 1436, but during this time he also invented a three-speed hoist with a system of gear. This lifted machines and resolved a lot of problems during the construction; he was also really careful about the safety of the men that were working with him. The dome he constructed is known because as the largest cupola in the world. This copula is just a symbol of intelligence and cleverness because it was constructed in a time without the necessary

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