Persuasive Essay About Truck Driving

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Why Truck Driving Lessons Are Not Enough to Become a Good Truck Driver No matter how good a driver you are, driving a truck would feel like a whole new ballgame. We're talking about superlatives here with regards to the weight, length, height and everything else that is way beyond the proportions of a regular car. Manoeuvring a truck on a blind curve would be more challenging, given its size and power, which is why truck licensing is required for anyone who wants to drive a truck. And the only way to get one is to enrol in a truck driving school. It's wrong to think, however, that getting truck driving lessons and passing the exam is enough for you to become a truck driver. There are other factors that come into play. Why do you want to become…show more content…
You see, most people don't join a truck driving school just for the heck of it. There has to be a valid reason, given that driving lessons don't always come cheap. Say you plan to become a full-fledge truck driver, make a career out of it. Know that the job requires long hours and a lot of time away from your family. You should also expect to drive during the weekdays and weekends for the most part of the year. A truck driving life would not be easy either, what with traffic and other surprises you will encounter on the road. What are general requirements for truck drivers? Enrolling in truck driving lessons is just half the battle. Before you can get Light Rigid Driver's license you must have a ‘C’ Class license that you have used for a year with no violations. Your record as a driver should have little to no problems as well, since driving patterns are critical for your success as a truck driver. So before you sign up to any truck driving school, you should find out if you even meet the basic requirements. What is expected of you as a truck driver? • You have to display safe driving patterns if you want to have a future in the truck driving

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