Persuasive Essay About Makeup

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Nightclub Makeup LookWe’re going to do a nightclub look today so you can go clubbing with your friends, have lots of fun and look beautiful.First, we put liquid foundation on the eyelids. The reason we do this is because veins tend to be quite visible in the eyelids. Then after, we’re going to apply a magnificent mineral makeup. Mineral makeup needs to be applied in a swirling motion on the skin. This gives you a lovely, natural look which is what you want.Now we move to the concealer. The key to concealer is to apply it in just the inner corners of your under eye. A lot of people apply it right around the eye corner but what that actually does is just enhance dark circles. Also, with the concealer, you put a little of the product in the back of your hand. It warms the concealer that makes it…show more content…
If you’re not sure where the apples of your cheeks are, do a little smile. Then you just brush your blush. It couldn’t be easier.When you’re applying, in general, any silver powder items, remember to always finish with a downward brush.Now, it’s time for a setting spritz. All mineral make-ups sold comes with a correct brush and a setting spritz. You just need to spritz in a small amount in your forehead and both your cheeks.For a little bit of eyebrow, just feather in the make-up. It would make your eyebrow look more finished and polished.If you have any stray eyebrow hairs that are going in every direction, just take an eyebrow brush and spray some hairspray on it. Comb that over your eyebrows to easily tame those unruly hairs.If you just take a little bit of time with the mascara, which is the finishing touch, it makes you look even great.Most people look better with mascara on just the top lashes not the bottom, so we’re going to do just that. Don’t just go applying your mascara just like that and expect it to look great. You have to invest a little time in your lashes. And if you do, it will fix your whole

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