Persuasive Essay About Climate Change

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The facts and the truth about climate change is its real, its happening and we are the cause, we need to get over this problem. We all should start to make major changes to climate change quickly. Scientists around the globe agree that we now live in a world warmer by almost 1.4 degree Celsius. The predictions are alarming. The temperature is rising, each degree is critical now. In another 4-5 decades, glaciers in the Himalayas which is the source of water for millions of people could be vanished. Within 50 years green belts melting ice sheet could be difficult to stop. By the end of the century, the Amazon rainforest which is also a home of the world's biodiversity could deteriorate. Climate change is pushing conditions from bad to worse. Thus the whole world should respond to the threat of climate change. Effective action is required to cut down greenhouse gas emissions. By choosing sensible policies and procedures climate change can be controlled. The world…show more content…
So far 170 nations signed UN climate Change Pact to agree and to try their best to keep global warming too well below 2 degree Celsius which shows UN is trying hard to take measures and sanctions to prevent the climate change. The major achievement by the UN Summit (COP-21) is that for the first time ever all nations committed in reducing their carbon emissions as soon as possible. Involvement of all the countries would result to at least some kind of carbon reduction. The Paris Conference can help accelerating actions where its needed including in investment, technological, renewable energy and in innovative and locally appropriate sustainable solutions. UNDP supported in climate change action. UN is also joining with many countries as they develop their national contribution to future climate change agreement. UN is working in more than 140 countries on greenhouse gas emission reductions and certain policies to control climate

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