Personal Narrative: Why I Wanted To Do A Biology Lab

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In the end of my freshman year, I forgot to do my Biology Lab. Being the nervous freshman that I was, I began to panic. I was right on the verge of an A and this lab could make or break my score. I ‘needed’ this grade and I was about to do anything to get it: well almost anything. I tried to do the lab during my other classes, but that proved futile. Yet, I still desperately wanted to hand the lab in that day. A friend in one of my classes offered to let me copy hers. I was so close to doing it, I wanted so badly do copy her work, but I couldn’t. I realized, it wasn’t fair that I over procrastinated and she actually did the work. She told me it was okay, that people do it all the time, but I felt sick just for trying to cheat. I handed it

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