Personal Narrative: The Great Depression

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Depression is a mental disorder that many joke around with and me personally, I do not consider it to be laughing matter at all. I, myself, just recently got over a case of depression. I struggled with depression for many reasons, the main reason being because my future was not going as planned. I am a freshman in college just not at the college of choice. I see now that it is not important as to where you get the education from, but as long as you get it. This realization did not come easy or overnight. I had dreams of going to Jackson State University in Jackson, Mississippi, majoring in mass communications and joining AKA – Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority. My future was set, starting fall 2015 semester I would have officially been a Jacksonian, only that…show more content…
After coming to this understanding and having my dreams shattered, I lost all hope which sent me into a downhill spiral. Like most “lost souls” I turned to drugs and alcohol to avoid my problems which ultimately intensified those doleful feelings when I was coming down from whatever high I was on in that moment. In my mind, I honestly believed I was going to be a failure. I knew there were other colleges but if I was not going to the college of choice, would I still put forth the same effort? Will I still push myself into being successful? My biggest fear in life is being a failure – not snakes, not heights but being a failure. The constant contemplating and self-loathing got so dreadful that I became unbearable to be around especially if not under the influence. I hated everything about myself and life itself and what made it worse, I had to watch all of my friends go off to their dream schools and I was stuck at home, in a rut. I was bitter and jealous and depressed but something had to give. At this point, I was godawful, my physical appearance had started diminishing, and
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