Personal Narrative: My Trip To Randolph County

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It all started in the morning when we woke up late for family pictures. We had to travel all the way to Randolph County where there are no hospitals within a fifteen minute radius of the small town Bowden which is near Elkins. On the two hour trip my five year old brain was thinking about playing around with my cousins and adventuring around on my Uncles farm and stare at the beautiful wildlife. I didn’t care at all about family pictures which would end up as being a disaster. As we drove past the Randolph County border, my anticipation was slowly building because the sound of the creek that is beside the house is getting louder and louder as we drive on down the road. Once we pulled in to the driveway, I could see my cousins waiting to greet us. As…show more content…
“What do you need to be seen for?” The lady at the front desk asked. ”I am holding my son who is almost dead in my arms!” My dad shouted, “He needs stitches.” The nurse slowly went to the phone to call the doctor. She put me on a scale to check my weight and then we went to the emergency room so the doctor could stich me up. My dad was by my side through the whole thing. He asked me questions about football and about school as the doctor stitched up my face. I don’t remember the doctor’s name, but I do remember the awesome job that he did to make sure that I was calm throughout the whole session. After hours of being in the emergency room, the doctor was finally done. “Nineteen stitches, huh?” my dad went on, “you’re the real tough guy today.” As I walked down the hallway of Davis Memorial Hospital, my family was waiting on me to see if I was okay. Having a scar on the side of my face for all these years remind me to this day how short our lives could be. The glass cut me down and almost cut my throat open which I would’ve bled out in a matter of seconds. To this day we still sit down and laugh about that day which almost ended up as a

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