Personal Narrative: My Educational Journey

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On my educational journey and throughout all of high school, I have faced many hardships. The greatest difficulty to overcome and one that still haunts me to this day is depression. In 8th grade, when I was still an ignorant boy, I decided to slack and fall behind the last quarter of the year. Justifiably my parents punished me for my actions, but I had been entrapped by circumstance and hormones. My motivation for everything had quickly dwindled over the summer when there was nothing to accomplish but to be left to my own devices. With band I saw how everyone else was going out and having a phenomenal summer, and I wished to be included. I ostracized myself from my own friends group, because I couldn’t join them. Low self-esteem made it feel as if I was doing them wrong and they didn’t care for me by reason of they stopped inviting me to socialize with them. I made it through my freshman year, but it was a struggle to manage everything and everyone and still be able to deal with myself.…show more content…
At the beginning of the year my parents ungrounded me for four weeks so I could be a teenager and hang out with friends. I still wasn’t invited out much. Two upperclassmen at the time came to the rescue and invited me to hang out. These two girls drew me into jazz band and took me under their wing. Which in the end I do not regret befriending them but they caused anguish in my life. It started with me failing my first semester of English. My two best friends and everyone else around me chastised me for letting them down. The pressure alone sent me into my first thoughts of self-harm and suicide. I lashed and acted out on people, with little care for their feelings. Never understanding why I was acting the way I did and never thinking of the future I did what was the worst act I have ever done to a

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