Personal Narrative: Mission Trip To Appalachian Mountains Of Tennessee

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During the summer of 2014, I was able to participate in a mission trip that took place in the Appalachian Mountains of Tennessee. The mission trip was a week long of amazing service experiences and fun. While on the Mountain Top mission trip, I got the chance to serve four different and wonderful families, all which impacted me in different ways. Throughout the course of the week and all the service I was taking part in, one lady stuck out to me the most. Her name was Barbara and she lived alone in a small house right outside of Spencer Tennessee. When we reached her house to start another day of service, we quickly noticed that she had a big white garage that was filled with many old, beat up items. As we made our way up her porch to ring the door bell we saw even more items, things ranged from dolls to old flowerpots. We were curious to find out what kind of work Barbara had planned for us this evening. When we rang the doorbell we waited patiently on her porch for a good 15 minutes. We considered leaving because we didn’t think she was going to answer. However, right after these thoughts of leaving…show more content…
The families I was able to help showed me how to make the most out of everything you have even it isn't much. I also learned to be grateful for the life I am blessed with because so many people have it so much worse. On this mission trip I believe I grew closer with God and from that I look at the world in a much more positive point of view. I realized how good it feels when you know you are doing something nice for someone else. This is such a significant memory to me because it was unlike any other service experience I have ever had the chance to participate in. It was so amazing being able to see firsthand how my hard work positively affected the people I was able to serve. It was one of the most remarkable things I have ever done and I will cherish the memories from this trip

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