Personal Narrative: Franklin County Fair

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When I first moved to Hampton, IA, and went to the Franklin County Fair, I saw one of the prettiest girls ever! She had a crown, sash and a beautiful sparkly dress on. She was carrying a dozen roses, a big trophy and was in tears. I was kind of in shock why she was in tears, but I slowly realized they were tears of joy. She had just been crowned the Franklin County Fair Queen and had people surrounding her, giving her hugs and was congratulating her. This is where my dream started. As the years went on and parade after parade, I saw a float for “Future Fair Queens”. I was too old at the time to ride, but wish I could have been on it every year! The little girls on the float had sashes of their own, while their faces were glowing. I was determined that I would at least be a fair queen candidate when I got old enough to compete. When the end of my Junior year came my FFA Advisor/ Agriculture Education teacher nominated me to run…show more content…
I know I sound like a little kid when I say that I was excited about this, but I truly was! When little boys and girls all started to say my name off of that poster on the side of that car I was so happy and over-joyed. Then I started to hear comments on how pretty I was and how my dress was beautiful. Hearing and seeing all these things was just the start of my amazing experience. When the time for the Franklin County Fair came, all the candidates, including myself, were all geared up and ready to start volunteering our time. We got to help out at animal shows, the ice cream stand, Phelps tent, etc. I didn’t think there was any way that I could have more fun than I already was. Me, as anxious as I was to hear the results for the coronation, I got even more anxious because I was volunteering to sing the National Anthem at the rodeo that night! Yes, I was nervous, but who wouldn’t be? I also made it through that and was told that I sounded

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