Personal Narrative: Finding Carter

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April 14, 2015 it started off as a normal Tuesday night. I was watching Finding Carter on MTV, and it was just starting to get good. I started hearing all kinds of commotion going on in the living room. I get up and walk out of my bedroom. The only person I saw was my mom. Outside my house was nothing but flashing red and blue lights. I was so hyped up, wondering what was going on. Then I saw the look on my mom's face, and I could instantly tell something bad had happened. "What is going on?" I asked. She looked at me, I could tell she was trying to figure out what to say. "Something has happened to Jared." Instantly I went cold, and I could tell that my face had went as white as a sheet. "How do you know?" She looked at me "Amanda called,…show more content…
They also said that family was trying CPR and that he wasn't responding." I just couldn't believe it. I ran outside to find my dad, and see if I could hear the law saying anything, not caring that I was barefooted and the grass was soaking wet. We almost collided as I turned the corner around the house. He had a blank stare on his face, and I could tell that he was in just as much shock as I was. Not knowing how to say it, he just came right out with it, "I think he's dead." I just looked at him. I tried to speak, but I just couldn't get any words to come out. I continued walking to the back yard, making my way up onto the back porch. As soon as I get back there, all I can hear is the heart-broken, screaming cries of Jared's step-mom, Bree. Just like any other weeknight, Bree along with her son, Justin, and Jared were home by themselves, while Jared's dad, Jay (who everyone called Mouse), was out of state for his job. She must have been the one who found him. I couldn't imagine how they must feel. As I'm standing there listen to her sob, I see a swarm of police officers and EMTs scrambling around. Tears start flowing down my face like Niagra…show more content…
I felt okay, like all of my crying was over with. We walked up the steps. Some of Jared's close friends from the school's autobody class had painted a hood in his honor. It was baby blue with white clouds and a sun on it. In the very center, was a picture of Jared, underneath the picture, it said Rest In Peace, Jared Oler. Jared's dad had donated the hood. It was from his Chevelle, the car that he and Jared had worked on together for years. They were having people sign the hood with messeges to his family. I signed it, my messege said "Rest easy bud, I'll miss

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