Personal Narrative Essay: A Day After Christmas

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The next few days were a series of arguments, screams, walk-outs, warm kisses, hugs, and love. For the most part when these occur, I was simply sketching and Toby was perched up by my side. He always liked watching me draw. And because everyone else was too busy either arguing or eating, no one had to command me to get up my ass and help. A day just before Christmas was when we finished decorating the house—it was also when we realized we haven’t done any Christmas shopping yet. So, like the Flash and Quicksilver, we rushed out of the house and loaded in our cars and drove off to malls to buy last minute Christmas presents. When we finished, we drove back home. I wasn’t sure what the others did but I busied myself with wrapping the gifts. While doing so, Nathaniel was constantly asking me which among…show more content…
The milk dropping down to my stomach, ticking, until Zach said something more. And when he didn’t, I did everything in my power to not throw the glass at him and scream. Tears pooled my eyes as I headed for my room. I felt my shoulders sag and I saw Nathaniel, the weight of anxiety diminished as I looked at his sleeping form sprawled out on my bed. He was too tall to lie on my bed but he managed to leave a space for me. Quickly, I changed out of my day clothes and put on shorts and a tank top and closed the lights, causing the fairy lights to dance around my room. Tranquillity filled me as I crawled to my bed and snuggled closer to Nathaniel. He was warm against me as he snaked his arms around my waist, inching me closer to his sleeping face. For a while, I simply watched him. I gazed over his olive skin and his un-kept dark hair. His eyes were closed and, selfishly, I prayed they’d open because I wanted nothing more than the comfort of his caramel orbs. They didn’t open but I kissed his forehead and rested my head on the base of his neck, breathing him

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