Personal Narrative: Cultural Difference Among Asian Americans

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My Asian friend, let’s call her Amy for now, was moving in and I already met one of my other roommate, let’s call her Jennifer, the day before. She was done settling in and so we were in the kitchen, the three of us talking. “So are you going to cook here, or do you have a meal plan?” She answered and said she had a 14 meal plan. I was in awe because that sounded like it was expensive. We let her know that the both of us don’t have a meal plan and that our plan was to cook. Fast forward to welcome week. I had missed the time of our welcome week where we were suppose to meet our CA because I had a meeting with my advisor about a schedule change. So when I got back, the meeting was over. We were in the lounge of our floor for a while then we…show more content…
And I only came with some ingredients for food and my necessities. This had me thinking about how different our cultures and each of us were. Amy and I were able to cook for ourselves and Jennifer and Mona said they don’t cook. I took this as cultural difference because in Asian families, the females are expected to learn how to cook and be able to cook for the family and American families doesn’t seem to follow that norm. I also looked at our different social economic classes. My Asian friend and I, our parents have an education no higher than elementary, they never finished school after that, no high school diploma, no college experience. They can’t get good paying jobs because of that. As for the other two, I assumed their parents had a college degree or at least high school diploma. I assumed they make a lot a year because of the fact that they were able to afford room and board and a meal plan. I could barely pay for my tuition, even with financial aid. My parents are both unemployed and our income is less than $20,000, I applied to many scholarships but only received two, and here we have my roommates not having to take any loans and having meal plans. Life is unfair. At this point, I was just angry. I kept thinking about each of our situations. I was angry and…show more content…
I think being both Asian and middle class are both targeted identities. They are not advantaged. Being both Asian and middle class means I don’t have much advantage compared to being White and upper class. There are many students here of many races that are middle class. But if you take an Asian, middle class student and compare him or her with a Caucasian, middle class student, the Caucasian would have more advantages in various categories. Like what many people say and what statistics shows, Americans (Caucasians) overpowers most, if not all, races. From my perspectives, the only place or things that I, an Asian, middle class student, can have power in over Caucasians is a place for minorities and being Asian. For example, there are many scholarships for people of color/minorities. I have a White, female friend from high school that complained, well more like explaining, to me that being a person of color or a minority has its perks and that perk was being able to apply to scholarships. She said that she couldn’t apply to a lot of scholarships because most of them are for minorities. And because of that, I think most minorities overpowers Caucasians when it comes to places for

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