Antidepressants: A Summary

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Summary Over seven percent of pregnant women in USA takes some kind of antidepressant drug. Studies from developed countries have suggested that the rates of using antidepressants during pregnancy is rising. This raises the question, are we harming our children? According to the article I read, many studies have been done to see how antidepressant drug affect infants but few studies have followed children beyond infancy. The Victorian Psychotropic Registry study is one of those few studies that was done to examine cognitive development, executive function, motor development and behavior of children who are four years old and was exposed to antidepressants before they were born (Fairbrother et al., 2015). In 2004, participants were drafted…show more content…
One of the things we talked about extensively is that how at this time lots of support is necessary, for both the baby and the mother. Stress-related prenatal complications can be reduced when mothers receive support from family members and friends (Berk, L. 2012). This support could prevent a mother from taking antidepressant drugs. We also talked about how exercise and proper nutrition can help prevent any problems due to stress. Yoga is recommended to pregnant women so that they can feel relaxed and reduce the amount of stress they are feeling. I connected this chapter to my article because this chapter talks about how to keep a mother happy. If people do not have serious depression and get the support they need from family and friends, they might not need any antidepressant drug and would not have to worry about how it might affect their children. This chapter provides loads of information about how to reduce stress when you are pregnant, which could prevent the need to take an antidepressant…show more content…
While I was doing my research I have read many articles on this topic. I choose this research because it is one of the few research that goes beyond infancy to see the effect of antidepressant drugs on children. During my research one interesting thing I found was that instead of antidepressant drug, depression it-self might be more harmful toward a mother and her baby. This research has influenced me to learn more about why antidepressant drug affect early motor development and not other areas such as cognitive development, executive function and behavior of children. I also would like to learn more about how much affect stress free life has over pregnancy. During course lectures I learned a lot about how getting support could help you get through hard times easily. Therefore, I am interested in learning how a women who gets support during pregnancy behaves differently from a women who has to go through everything by herself and if going through this alone is going to cause her to take antidepressant drug even though she did not have depression nor took antidepressants prior to

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