Personal Narrative: Ants Up Your Pants

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Ants Up Your Pants When I was 7 years old and we were on vacation in Arizona, I got ants up my pants. What happened was we were taking a tour in the middle of nowhere. About 10 minutes into the tour we went under these HUGE rocks with really cool carvings. When the tour guide was talking I was next to a fire ant hill, and at the time i didn't notice they were red ants. So of course I thought they would just crawl around on the ground. But with my luck they didn't. Now what actually happened was, I was standing by the ant nest then they started to go up my legs. At this point i was freaking out, I had ants up my pants I was the main attraction, and we were in the middle of nowhere. and that's when things got bad. By that time they started

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