Peri-Implantitis Case Study

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1. PERI IMPLANT TISSUE MORPHOLOGY: The implant surface has a hemidesmosomal type of attachment with the connective tissue and the epithelium which is weak and gets easily susceptible to contamination by the bacteria along with the inclusion of the base which lead to rapid destruction.5 2. IMPLANT STRUCTURE: The implant design is an important factor in the initiation and progression of periimplantitis. If the components are poorly aligned, there can be retention of bacterial plaque, also microorganisms might be enabled to pass inside the transepithelial abutment.6 3. MICROBIAL INFECTION: The new “hard tissue” surface presented to the oral environment The implant provides a new hard tissue to the oral environment surface onto which the salivary…show more content…
(5) Mobility . (6) Pain though not very common, but might be present (7) Hyperplasia of the mucosa in zones which lack keratinised gingiva. 7,8 MANAGEMENT OF PERI-IMPLANTITIS INITIAL PHASE OF TREATMENT Occlusal Therapy- An analysis for the fit of the prosthesis, the number and position of the implants, and an occlusal evaluation is required if the prime etiology for peri-implant bone loss are excessive forces.9 Non-surgical therapy The motive behind the non-surgical therapy in peri-implantitis is infection control which is done by debriding the implant surface, and reducing the bacterial load below the threshold level for causing

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